2021 中国春节主题

                          Chinese New Year Decoration                                   

On February 12th, 2021, it will be Chinese New Year. This year is the year of OX. Here is the Chinese New Year decoration. Let kids hang up lanterns, put on some window stickers, and clean up with you for the Chinese New Year. 

Chinese Lantern 

Materials: long stick( dollar tree) , red string, heavy red card stock, thin craft paper (dollar tree), shimmer golden paper, double-sided tape, and tape. 


  • Fold thin craft paper twice to cut whatever students want. Shapes, lines, small teeth shape at the edge, etc.

  • Use glue to stick the white paper on the top of the red paper. ( When glue it, be careful about this thin craft paper. I used thin because it’s easier for kids to cut. Otherwise, she can only fold once and cut, the result won’t be as good as twice folded paper) .

  • Peel off the double-sided tape and stick one on the top, and another one at the edge of white paper. Press firmly to let two pieces of paper stick together. (you can also use a stapler to secure two golden sides

  • Cut bottom red paper into strips.

  • Use tape to stick red string inside of the lantern, and put it on the stick. TA-DA!


Chinese Fireworks 

Materials: toilet paper roll, paint

  • Let kids cut toilet paper into strips, use various paint to make fireworks. (students observe what is the difference between long strips and short strips)

Chinese New Year Books


Chinese Zodiac Matching Cards

  • 打印出来。如果想长期保存,用Laminator and Laminate sheet 塑封起来。剪开。

  • 把12个生肖打乱摆放,家长一边念12生肖的故事,一边让小朋友把正确的生肖位置摆放好。(锻炼 小朋友专注能力,是否能认真听故事。读书不仅仅是个输入的过程,也要有输出。阅读方面,很多小朋友到6岁可以流利的读文章,可是却缺乏对文章的理解。读完了并不明白什么意思。所以要从小建立输出的练习,5岁以上可以练习精读和分析思考能力)

  • 五岁以下孩子,摆好之后,按照中文英文放到正确的位置。如果5岁以上的孩子,可以一边听故事一边把图画,中英文都摆好。

If you want to check out my weekly planner and find more activities to do,  please check this PDF! 

If you want to find more holiday board games recommendation, please check my post 《春节桌游推荐》 here. 

Here is also a free download of 2021 Chinese Holiday Dates. Download PDF here. 

Happy Chinese New Year! 大家牛年快乐!