
2021 母亲节主题

We celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May which is May 9th, 2021. Let’s have a chat with our kids, bake some cookies, […]

2021 地球日主题

    Earth day is on April 22nd every year.  During this week, we will investigate our planet earth. You can plan anything about earth […]

2021 复活节主题

Easter is on April 4th, 2021. Spring is finally here!Spend time outside with your kids and let them explore spring! Happy reading and Happy spring! […]

2021 情人节主题

We got the inspiration after reading the book  <I love you> by Donard Verger.     Activity 1: Write a poem with your children Use […]

2021 中国春节主题

                          Chinese New Year Decoration                    […]